Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Guttenberg Plag, fourth or act stupid, stupid, Bayreuth?

                                                                                                                       (C) Berndt Fernow

(c) ecx amaozone images. com

Now it's official or almost official: The Lord Defence Minister Karl-Theodor Freiherr von and may be Guttenberg's - to fraudulently - illegally obtained academic title of Doctor . no longer lead jur. The Commission for self-regulation of Science on 23 02. 2011 voted unanimously to the effect that Guttenberg has failed to a large extent against the existing principles of academic work. What

already a Munster PhD students noticed in the summer of 2010 in a preliminary paper was, what was then but not published as an essay, about half a year later brought the Bremen University professor Andreas Fischer-Lescano in the public: Guttenberg's dissertation contains a variety of authentic passages from other scientific work without them - are identified - as required by mandatory. # Plagiatsaff% C3% A4re_und_die_Folgen

a flagrant violation of the PhD regulations might have been acceptable at this time. After the allegations of another, then even occupied plagiarism in his doctoral thesis disseminated to the public, was created huge media coverage. The last exit before the media for Guttenberg meltdown would be the granting of his ill-gotten Dr. jur. dissertation was in a public statement in the then scheduled press conference - a - maybe not by himself authored. Gutte Plag has missed this opportunity and thereby undermined the character of Baron von Munchausen. Unworthy of a minister, especially as he has saved himself a few months ago an oath of office to the public after he said

"I swear to the constitution, and all too true in the Federal Republic of Germany applicable laws and fulfill my official duties conscientiously, so help me God. "

give ruefully Instead, blew Gutte Plag to another bogey, with whom he already securitized plagiarism allegations as" designated abstruse ".
Did the Lord defense minister at all, was "absurd" means
just want to make

in the pejorative sense (pejorative): bizarre [foolish, difficult to understand, confused, without any mental order "?

Sure, Mr. and from Guttenberg: without intellectual right?
This was probably to be more to his attempts to pull the neck from the noose, which he himself had created the fake plant.
What he tried desperately to turn now that he did, however, the many fans in his black party and the big sister around Merkel and Co., and - allegedly - the majority of the population not so crooked. True to the German motto: "Everyone makes mistakes!" accosted barker from the CDU / CSU - Group against the many critics of his conduct in the media around and tells stories of a "conspiracy" of "Neidhammelei" of "a revenge campaign of opposition," always with the stated then target the "View "Lord of the Karl-Theodor ruin, and Freiherr von Guttenberg to do.

quickly closed the institution of the simplification - and dumbing down hacks, the "stupid" newspaper on the whining from the ranks of the blacks. In the context of which were decided against the hypocritical alliance Guttenberg_Kritiker a new battle plan was devised: the Gegengenangriff, the attack from the defense, the media coup was to bring the unsavory topic quickly from the agenda of the media.
"we" - that is, the majority of the "stupid" newspaper readers "behind zu Guttenberg (read: you)". With the last drop of blood from a grease gun and the rainbow postils from Bavaria hyped late thirties - Mr. " Super "Guttenberg now defended after because of strategic errors in the round defense is no longer defend itself can.

claim as yet smooth parts of the manipulated media, the vast majority behind Guttenberg would. What majority, then? Who's there ever been questioned or asked? With an audacity, the counter-public in the countless Internet forums, online newspapers and blogs degraded to a minority that does not embody the views of the entire German people. The cheap polemic from the CSU series in the talk shows (" Anne Will "," hard but fair) shows, however, that the ladies and gentlemen from the ranks of that party feel pissed off.
What Trutsche Meier hollow hollow blather on Sunday at the audience for "Anne Will" proffered, led CSU General Secretary Dobrindt continued yesterday. Grinsearsch Dobrindt tried gekünzelter arrogance the allegations of his fellow representatives from the SPD by gedrexelte formulations excuse to make fun of.

Dobrindt, and his fine company is one very well to that species of Bavarian CSU-marsh plants, by means of academic training and no adequate education for the disposal of "stutter-Eddie" Stoiber, the crash landing of the tandem Huber and Beckstein and the erotic adventure of Seehofer to fight against senility in the party tries. It is just the usual, kept the sound from the center of that power maniacs cohorts, any criticism of the official guide and the person to reprimand by excessive resistance. What used to Strauss as a "controlled from Moscow red rats and flies," titled, what the farmers in the CSU was every Ash Wednesday, after drinking several liters of beer in full peed leather trousers with euphoric slurred "Quite right!" Cheered fervently, is Today - after the "red" enemy image is rather basic and the ideological enemies have disappeared - the "left opinion leadership" attributed in the press.

found this critical Statements in the - otherwise not exactly known for this - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung place. It speaks for the diagnosed disease that whisk, drummers and Liar Liar in this party, that the degree of loss of reality is already high so that just such a party member from the liar "shining light" Guttenberg cling in order to get even a few crumbs of long distributed power bread .

But what is the active CSU grandees still reprehensible than the sycophancy, is expected to be on the conduct of the promotion process involved high school teachers. The fact that a so-called "supervisor" Peter Häberle (born 1934!) The fake work of Guttenberg, accompanied only is true and would make him at least formally raised by any reasonable doubt. He should benefit from the fraud in the preparation of the dissertation - have heard nothing - possibly. That had to defend but the examiners in the present work has Guttenberg, will now have noticed absolutely nothing, is a fairy tale from the Thousand and One Nights. One explanation for this have not given the audit committee members so far. Remains as to hold only speculative, that the oral test - otherwise, the defense demanded - to that of plagiarism Guttenberg either by an unsuspecting Commission, at a possibly more Bottles
Henri Abel `Le Sourire de Reims' Rosé de Riceys GV, Château Petrus Pomerol
2006er AC or in a box in the reception room of the Paulaner Guttenbergśchen property, in the worst case, however, has generally not been delivered.

The really reprehensible and highly questionable at the Guttenberg-Bayreuth-farce, however, is that any (m) student (s), every candidate, every (m) PhD student (s) with the simple name of Mueller, Meyer, Schulze Kraxlhuber is looked up in the crack of the backside of all, if she / he has to give a test. The value of Mr. Baron and Guttenberg but not well.
Or should the provincial university, is also campaigning for the Guttenberg Plag still a dirty deal be received with your Highness? Some little sum for additions, alterations or new construction of the Lord would cost in this case was not to be despised. Worse would be the finding that there just potter around and whistling in the chair exactly embody what the Bayern-breeding claims to the North German: "Where are Hamburg, Bremen, Kiel Can nothing anyway?"

accounts now, and I ask, "What is the difference between a photocopier and Guttenberg?" (Answer: Guttenberg creates only 475 pages in 7 years.) Or I simply ask: "Bayreuth (University) makes you give me the Guttenberg "or I said quite simply:" stupid, stupid, Bayreuth "


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