Friday, February 11, 2011

Cruise Spots In Arizona

Gary Moore - Phil Lynott - Rory Gallagher: three exceptional players in rock music.

(c) Gary_Moore_2005.05.21_002.jpg : derivative work: Nymfes ( talk )

few days ago, when the news of the death of guitarist Gary Moore, specifically Robert William Gary Moore was chased by the media, I got the same memories of two other Irish rock star Phil Lynott, the former bassist for the legendary group "Thin Lizzy and Rory Gallagher, the founding member of the band" button.

Moore, born 1952 in Belfast, took place early on his way to music. Back in 1969 founded Gary Moore Phil Lynott, the group "Thin Lizzy", with whom he recorded several albums in the ensuing period. Moore established himself out as a rock guitarist who recorded for the separation of first Lynott an album of its own formation. In the early 70s he left his embossed on hard rock, blues rock and folk elements irrischen style and prescribed a few years later, to the blues. Here he acted
relatively successful in live performances, which were brought to the part as albums out. Moore later became a sought-after studio and backing musicians and made a name as such in various bands and projects of colleagues from the rock and blues genre.

(c) Helge Øverås

The death of Moore on 6 February this year, leaving behind another gap in the series of excellent rock - and blues guitarists. let

Just as the early death of bassist, singer and composer of the Irish hard rock band "Thin Lizzy" 25 years ago such a behind. Phil Lynott was on as Philip Parris Lynott 29th August 1949 in West Bromwich, Birminham, England and grew up after the separation of parents in Dublin, where his career began. Lynott was Mr. "Thin Lizzy" in person. Although he started after the breakup of the group in 1983 with a solo project, was unable to build on the success of "Thin Lizzy". What
him with Moore, was a certain degree of selfishness and musical genius.

(c) Harry Potts

These properties also owned by the Irish rock guitarist Rory Gallagher.Der am2. March 1948-born Ballyshanon Gallagher also began early to play the guitar. The end of it 6os based group "button" was referred to as absolute insiders and won in the early 70s during various Europe - and Germany tours added many fans. As Gallagher separated from the other musicians Richie McCracken and John Wilson, his style of music made the transition to a blues-rock with Celtic strikes. Gallagher and his band were welcome guests at various international music festivals.
Due to his alcohol addiction, decreased the star of exceptional players from the late 80s, very rapidly. Gallagher died in 1995 at a hospital in England due to a kidney transplant necessary Platation.

All three guitarists I have myself - to live - Gallagher so very many times. What remains are still many memories in form of vinyl albums from the years of her creative life.
names are transitory; record sometimes, but not memory.


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