Friday, February 11, 2011

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Wild - West - Winnenden!

Now it's out that long-awaited verdict against the father of the running amok of Winnenden; the first 15 people and then himself shot. This event had over many days, the media industry and led to all sorts of reasonable quality, but even more nonsensical speculation. As it was said once that gun laws should be tightened. It may blunderbuss no longer be kept at home. The age limit to purchase a firearms license and a gun license should be set out. Etc.., & C.!
After that hullabaloo about the Lost Ones in the field of automatic penis extension - as expected - absolutely nothing has been introduced to the required tightening of the trigger-happy. Each of these capped John Wayne may still - until his own death - the expensive throwing guns in a gun cabinet in the store dare home.
checks whether the conditions are complied with are, for lack of staff is rare.

Thus, the events in Winnersh, a small town in Swabia, he could Pampa, near Stuttgart, could recur. Winnenden is theoretically everywhere.

What a son of simply rustic home, but moved to this action, also remained close to 2 years on nebulous. He was now mentally unstable? Was he now a "lonesome rider" in search of recognition? Or Tim K. was a late-pubescent boy - a certain degree of awareness jamming out - at the killing, amuses the suffering of people?

The father was charged in his place. Due to 15x with negligent homicide in Tatmehrheit violation of gun laws. The tough negotiations before the District Court in Stuttgart, which dragged on since last autumn, gave no indication as to whether the father of 15 times the assassin now actually the mental state of his still-age son has correctly recognized and he prevented by adhering to the conditions under the Weapons Act, it would have run amok can.

The verdict is 1 year and 9 months on probation. A heavy sentence, if the neutral observer to approach draws comparisons from the road, where a drunk driver had caused an accident in which 20 people were killed. Too lenient sentence if the overall picture of Tatausführung shows clearly that without the grossly negligent conduct of the father, his gun for alleged fear of burglars (they exist in such abundance in the province of Swabia, in general, that of self-defense must be a loaded gun on the bedside table?) are constantly in the bedroom was at hand.

Whether mild or too lax, whether covered or too hard, which in this case already being punished? A prison stay brings the dead back. A punishment can there really be no purpose. Who executes people, they shoot, which has forfeited to the interpretation that the average Michels their own lives. he / she actually mean?

was in the 70s - in the course the BM-hysteria and other violent crime - a claim from the policies (! head off "-hunter), mainly from the ranks of the CSU, the Bavarian patsies who were about to open up the world that the death penalty reintroduced should be. The discussion of "final rescue shots" came from the corner of Law and Order-Hansel. Once cooked the high emotions on this. The "stupid" newspaper overturned with primitive baiting against criminals, the BM group and their sympathizers.
The claims were rejected by the majority of the West German population. However, there were a significant number of supporters, it would have preferred that the Basic Law prohibited from death penalty (Article 102 GG) had been introduced by constitutional amendment. Lawyers for each of the past, a hot iron, on which the traditional right - have burned oriented ladies and gentlemen, since in many cases the paws.

If the father of running amok with the wagging finger rummaging around family and a part of the former environment has been made aware of his mistakes, then this certainly has a certain method. Mistakes that others are mainly to be regarded as particularly reprehensible when it comes to their own interest. That is here now talk of a disappointing ruling, may be human understandable; viewed from the legal side, is the conviction of a different quality for the condemned and his future life:

- the once middle-class life is destroyed;

- the health of the man is struck;

- the chase with death threats and exposing the public is not yet finished

- the unpredictable financial claims of the parties are ruinous for the

The boundless naivete, their own stupidity, ignorance, with which the Father has gefuhrwerkt in the life of the murderer of 15 times around winned are alone - from the moral Viewed from a side - worth a conviction. Since he has not even be charged with negligent homicide and aggravated assault 15x. The father of the gunman himself knows that he has done irreparable damage Zumach end by his son, he can teach shooting. be Indicted

but who may have weapons lobbyists under the guise of target shooting their profits and the interests of one - have imposed arms sales continue - albeit limited. This will be but the lost of just this side of media influenced a word.


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