raven black day?
As they sat down again, our feathered friends, which I had written in the autumn of last year a little. They sat on a - still - bare trees of the adjacent property. They were sitting there high up in the treetops - about which we know, is Ruh'herrschen.
At this gloomy, cold day in February they still puffed up and paused visible. Why?
Maybe they were cold in the uncomfortable winter weather. It could be that they become one in the Weiterzug north-eastern plains had already gathered.
writes As Thomas Schmidt applicable:
"The crows or Corvids like everything imaginable evil is credited, which is why they rank as many people in the sympathy scale far below: magpie, jay, jackdaw, rook and carrion crow with the sub-species of ravens and hooded crows to kill other birds and interfere with their discordant Cz acres, Rätsch and croak. In rural areas it is often so far that they are hunted as "predators" because they decimate supposedly small game, responsible for crop losses in agriculture and even newborn child Lambs attack. It seems much to suggest to them by all means make an end. "
- end of quote, from Thomas Schmidt, feathered neighbors - birds in urban and garden,
h ttp: / / www.ts-naturfoto.de/extern/buch/voegel/raben.html
I trust them to do evil, but rejoice in the fact that in this rather dreary season, but still life stirs.
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