Guttenberg Plag, or third act: "Theo, now hau'in sack!"
(c) Michael rumen, Erfurt WIKIPEDIA
The 20th February was a beautiful day! Not only that the CDU troops on the Elbe and Alster has a get on the ass and sing - and was also quietly hunted with just under 20% in the opposition, no, even with the not-Prima Ballerina of the talk show weak-mindedness, our Anne was all, but finally a little color in the studio. The grand dame
highly paid shallow Politgeschwafels on the theme: "Doctor Guttenberg - all just stolen," is loaded. The topic discussed
Monika hollow Meier (CSU), Karl Lauterbach (SPD), Dieter Wedel, Alice Schwarzer, and Hans-Ulrich Jörges.
Another guest was the first millionaire of the long-duration Jauch'schen hamlet "Millionaire", Prof. Dr.Eckhard loaded Freise.
munitioniert was good of SPDler Prof. Dr. Dr. Karl Lauterbach like a broadside in the direction of Guttenberg going on. His statement was clear: "Whoever cheats so bold as to the title must be withdrawn."
pushed into the same horn of the "STAR" - editor Hans-Ulrich Jörges, the first openly acknowledged to have been mistaken in Guttenberg and it also qualified as now no longer acceptable.
far, so right.
What then, however, was beaten by the election scammer and daughter of former CSU Dämagogen Strauss, Monika Meier hollow to hollow phrases of apology to the fraud of their party-mates Guttenberg went on me.
The identical idiotic arguments that led the defense minister a few days earlier from the list read, now the ostrich-daughter talk to the field. A ridiculous idea of a now sacked MEPs who himself has skeletons in the closet and now wanted to soar, an advocate of a clean report on the abuses of the values Mr. Defense.
hollow Meier is not only a blatant fact twists of Erin, She came closer with her entire appearance in the show Quasselrunde rather a pause in the Clowns conservative Bavarian-style, for a reputable members. From her cottage cheese is placed in sauce can be drawn only one bottom line: "He who has no idea is to keep the cheeky mouth!"
This was not just hard for her. Mrs Emma herself, Alice Schwarzer, a columnist for some time so the "stupid"-Zeitung tried the principle of "Whose bread I eat ', whose song I sing" to demonstrate across the board. Mrs. Black man, where are the former enemy gone? Since the can, already from their adulation to the Lord Guttenberg already completely drunk spectator, almost nauseated werden.Das the "stupid"-Zeitung and the Springer Group, they embarrassed their highly jazzed tracks Karl-Theodor not mean anything to me, anything you would like to let disappear into oblivion, was still traceable. That it to a paid advocate but not required expertise is already stupidly bold.
Well, then there was Dr. Dieter Wedel Guttenbergśchen talk show on the ship. Wedel, get even because of various private missteps a few times in the mills of the lubricating press castigated, for the unfair treatment of Guttenberg.
only, with all due respect to Mr. Dieter Wedel and the accuracy of the representations of a media campaign against Guttenberg, Dr. Dieter Wedel it compares apples to oranges. The former smear campaign against him was based on their personal areas of life, reporting to the Guttenbergśchen orgy of fraud can be seen, however, in connection with his official duties.
From a Progromstimmung then there was talk of a smear campaign, of lies, which was initiated by electoral considerations in the ranks of the opposition. Here was doing out in particular the choice impostor hollow Meier.
hollow Meier comes from the same stable as Stoiber, Strauss, "Old monkey hand," Zimmermann, Seehofer and cohorts. A Bavarian combat unit whose sole aim is the lies and fraud in talk to their own small house and move it to political opponents blame on to do if the countless scandals in Bavaria yet be justiciable. is
While Karl-Theodor gone since his embarrassing appearance before the hand-picked journalists
force dive down to try his party friends to save the already battered reputation. By Springer-clique as a coming Messiah, highly stylized black superstar and future candidate for chancellor, has eaten everything in the counter-public, however long ago. Guttenberg has degenerated into a mere joke, a joke. A fact that no, with stony face down geplärrt rallying people to the party as it is at a CDU meeting in Saxony-Anhalt. The local CDU should rather be thankful that the "gutter" was not just arrived, for he would do more harm than bring benefits can, even if the Pampas Gauchos raised do not end it in an endless song of praise as a political person in the sky , while in certain elegy on the public denunciation of the Lord and from Guttenberg.
And so pulled a small talk with the way Anne has more than half of air time, in the "gutter Plag" the victim of a nasty media campaign was called. However, if you - as he has celebrated almost every day with real fervor - to the media as useful idiots in building its fake Career is chosen, the need to count my good "gutter" with the fact that the wild mob tears at a lowest of weakness in the air.
Then, when the first hot air balloon inflated it bursts or leaks, the air, then shrinks the Lord "superstar" of the oligarchic opinion makers band around Springer, Burda, farmer and company to the normal level.
is almost insidious the prefabricated from the CDU / CSU camp Guttenbergśchen objection to the defense that there were more important issues in this country, than the promotion of clean fake Lord, when at the same time in Afghanistan, three German soldiers have been killed. Well, sure, you sly Meier around the affectation CSU-ray man, there is much more pressing challenges to the political caste in Berlin, nor are solved, as the causa "GuttePlag. Had the Minister, however, already taking office, those consequences in terms of the senseless war there shown, with which he built up his lies formations around the alien created scientific work, the three young men were not there, lost their lives because there would be at that when there is no German soldiers.
So pulled the Willsch discussion, in which the hollow Berufslügnerin Meier became embroiled in a growing number of contradictions, the "upper-Emma" Schwarzer made their donor rolls with all honor and Vereinfachungsgefasel Dr. Dieter Wedel rather tortured lectured to his media experience. Only the deputy Lauterbach - supported by the "STAR" editor Jörges - took it almost immediately after the start of transmission in a few sentences to the point: "Whoever deceives-fly!"
The theme of this are not quite so completely irrelevant and brings the soul of the people to boil showing to date 2135 Blog entries on the Willsch Internet presence. In addition to a variety of Guttenberg fans and party-penmanship, still show more blog entries to their lack of understanding of the ministerial conduct.
the bird from southern Germany but shot an alleged PhD amoeba of the category, arrogant and provincial, in he - even anonymously - wrote:
February 21, 2011 at 11:05 clock @ 1803 Martin: I graduated 35 years ago . This took me two attempts because the first attempt my Doktovater after I malocht 6 months in the laboratory, began to manipulate the results and I did not do were delivered. It was a commission, financed with external funds. It was imperative . the desired result to come out even today I still very much professional contact with graduate students and postdoctoral ruled Today, only the publication of madness.: Publish come hell, whether legitimate and proper flow of the main external funding and grants. In many cases, anyway no one can verify the reliability and accuracy. But quietly beautiful dream of a noble and honest science, Martin.
But something else. Who checked the papers the last time Karl Lauterbach and his lobbying work as board member of the private hospital chain Rhön-Klinikum AG? Would be helpful here to find further details.
Perhaps there are other professors in Bremen, who are paid from Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg and Hesse, by way of financial compensation and those it so boring is that they can rumstöbern in other people's Vita. Here is also a rewarding task. "
Well, clearly you bowl, the alimentierten of you and your Gesocks Bremen professor (who comes in the case of Guttenberg way from southern Germany) have nothing else to do than to pry into the Life of other colleagues around to this then medially to set the pilloried. Before you and your peers have ever known what are coffee, tea and spices, the Hanseatic cities have thus already earned so much money that they could be guided by the tax paid and other charges your straw huts electrification in the south. The financial equalization is not your invention, but served after BRD-establishing the implementation of the Act contains provisions that within the country leveled economic and social conditions should be available. And these conditions were reversed just before. But it speaks for you and your provincial attitude that you want this not to know more, just as the Guttenberg first claimed falsely to have written the thesis itself.
What to make of your liars and cheaters show is already evident at a glance in the 70s. Tags: ostrich, carpenter, Kiesinger, etc., etc. Filbinger
from similar caliber is the Karl-Theodor. Ergo: "Back in the southern German Wallachia!"