(c) Armin Linnartz-WIKIPEDIA
(c) Dirk Front Street / WIKIPEDIA
( c) Ministry of Health and Social Affairs of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/Regierungsportal
tells us what the Herumgeeiere around the so-called Hartz IV reform? Exactly: Lots of wind for nothing! As they sat
now at the Round Table and talking to the dawn. Not about God and the world, but about the filthy lucre, money!
The CDU-careerist Ursula von der Leyen and her counterpart, the fresh Manuela Schwesig of the SPD met with other experts to identify it but it is less common than commonly feared wurde.Nach media coverage of the bloated with those exploratory talks will have to decide now, the Federal Council. As predicted by the opposition-led states will reject the bill. Accordingly, the Conciliation Committee in charge. And last, can.
now go the Hartz IV recipients nothing. There is neither a minimal increase of the standard deduction or education vouchers or other services for the transfer recipient. A farce was what have been done later, von der Leyen and Merkel, who said the matter short, the top priority there. So it is quite obvious that - as claimed Schwesig - the coalition Berlin took the podium on occasion, to the opposition, the buck finally blaming the failure of the negotiations.
For electoral reasons previously many meetings of this type are broken. Just before the crucial parliamentary elections in some provinces, the coalition is not yet more trouble in Berlin and one area with the Prince, which did in fact contribute to the supposed financial reform package. The already debt-ridden cities and municipalities would have to absorb the additional cost of further funds. This is unpopular in the pre-election, because many of the CDU / FDP candidates prefer to go with the supposed economic recovery , Instead of peddling the meantime to try to over 7 million increased number of social transfer recipients. Of those of working age as in need of assistance (ALG II) 4,923,784 persons are guided. Added as non-working age in need of assistance (welfare) recorded 1,831,546 people. ensures
The basic right to a decent subsistence under Article 1 paragraph 1 GG in conjunction with the welfare state principle of Article 20 paragraph 1 GG:
- After the slap in Karlsruhe, where it says in the ruling any material conditions to those in need, for its physical existence, and for a minimum to participation in social, cultural and political life are essential.
- This fundamental right under Article 1 paragraph 1 GG has a warrant of his connection with article 20 paragraph 1 GG next to the acting absolutely entitled under Article 1 paragraph 1 GG respect for the dignity of each individual independent meaning. It is the reason for disposal and must be redeemed, but requires the specification and constant updating by the legislature of the services to be provided at the respective level of development of the community and the existing conditions of life has to align. Here it is a discretion.
- to determine the extent of the law claim all necessary living expenses in a transparent and proper process has to reality and comprehensible to be calculated based on reliable facts and coherent method of calculation.
- The legislature can meet the typical requirements to secure decent subsistence level by a fixed monthly amount, but recognize, for a more extensive irrefutable, permanent and not only unique, special needs, an additional entitlement.
was under the loud cheers of the blacks and the economic liberals in the Koaltionsparteien Herumge (g) eggs yesterday, on 08/02/2011 finally over.
By implementing the requirements of the Federal Constitutional Court in the Judgement handed down the ruling parties are now more than ever light-years away. The observer can already adjust its clock after that will achieve when the next action, the Federal Constitutional Court. Until then, the number of transfer recipients will have increased further.
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