(C) Dirk Vorederstraße / own work / WIKIPEDIA
as a "mirror" reader since 1974 I have now read several thousand "SPIEGEL" talks. Many of them were interesting, some interesting and just unnecessary. The quality of these conversations go, depends and will continue to do so, just on the personality of the interlocutor. Whether it was once the Soviet Communist Party General Secretary and formal head of the state, once the second most powerful country on Earth Brezhnev was whether it was the legendary "glasnost" and "perestroika" conversation with Mikhail Gorbachev, or whether it was the "Spiegel" talks were with Helmut Schmidt, it all were in content something special. Among the less interesting conversations I have interviews with artists and athletes in mind. could give
When, several weeks, the CDU politician Volker Kauder as Member of Parliament of the district of Rottweil-Tuttlingen his perspective on the hot topic of "Islamization of society, religious freedom and basic Christian values" against the Hamburg news magazine for the best, has some "SPIEGEL "readers more than just a strong gag reflex felt in the neck. What was there to
Kauder nonsensical claims in the world is on me. He claims but actually, that the constitution is based on a set of values influenced by Christianity:
"Our code of values is formulated in the constitution, and this set of values is marked by Christian beliefs: human dignity, sanctity of life, religious freedom, but an exclusively Christian guiding culture, which could potentially misunderstood or as a denominational dominant culture, is it in Germany. not. "
man Kauder, because you have to mix anything. The Basic Law guarantees freedom of religion but that also means the freedom of individuals to be able to actively represent a belief - which means in reverse also, that the freedom of not being tied to a religious direction, one of them. And herein lies the whole nonsense in the statement of the practicing Christian Kauder. Who is not a Christian, an evangelist, Protestant or Catholic, have the same rights and obligations retained. It is the weak point in the kauderśchen hypothesis of the Christian canon of values of the Basic Law.
The basic law is religiously neutral. It is based due to the murderous experience by the Third Reich in particular that should not be subordinated to the individual man of the widespread community violence. The Basic Law contains this, the very protections in the form of inalienable individual rights. For this purpose, include human dignity, but also the Meinungsfreihit, including freedom of assembly. Of course freedom of religion.
In Article 4 of the Constitution therefore be written:
"(1) The freedom of faith, of conscience and freedom of religious and ideological beliefs are inviolable."
"(2) The undisturbed practice of religion is guaranteed. "
" (3) No person shall be compelled against his conscience to render military service. Be regulated by a federal law. "
in this is not said a word about the fact that the values protected by the Basic Law, purely Christian nature. A Christian guiding culture that reason alone can never be determined by the Basic Law.
Wen Kauder now says there is no denominational dominant culture, however, he is mistaken here. The Christian values that are supposedly in our culture again, but only by the two major religious denomination, namely the Evangelical-Lutheran and the Roman Catholic Church in the way of embodying the respective sole representative status. What is Christianity, certainly not everyone, but the church community. The Catholics deploy their in a very aggressive way that this will continue to remain so.
who is not Catholic, according to their interpretation and not a Christian in the sense of the Bible. Sun propagate to this day the Pope in Rome, his bishops and other hierarchically subordinate infantry, the dogma of the only true doctrine of Catholicism.
Kauder lying to yourself that if he wants to lecture in a condescending way about the need for a Europeanized Muslim faith. Islam is a world religion, like Buddhism and Hinduism also ist.Warum he is not fit just in the apparent of values of the smallest continent? Kauder would like to express his irrational thinking something else: If you live in a European country as a Muslim, the / has the orient to your lot to the prevailing social customs and these are - he claims - precisely specified by the official churches.
This may work through the sunglasses of a Swabian Hicks perhaps in Rottweil-Tuttlingen, in Oberammergau or in Cloppenburg way for living together in an urban environment are those unsuitable advice.
Sun inflates the Kauder, Volker, in the conversation as the savior of Western culture by the Muslims living here in matching the - prescribes Christian value system - no longer exists.
Kauder chewing gum and indeed a several occasions prior to his drummers from the CDU / CSU spat out. A chewing gum that already Rottweil-Tuttlingen to Berlin and Cairo can draw. Because there is currently presented to the council, that the free exercise of religion there to its limits, where a by-only at their own economic advantages thoughtful Western industrialized nations - is sponsored regime on its last legs, because a gang of criminals and fraudsters in their own has subjugated countrymen for decades and kept stupid. Whether this happens in the name of Allah, God or Jesus Christ, is completely irrelevant, because both of the one as well, citing the other are countless atrocities happened.
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