SKIN YARD LOVESLUG ---> Psychoriflepowerhypnotized / Live / Loser bar
turning the bass louder, Honey!
Here is a single from the time Nirvana , Soundgarden and Sun noc h were active. Skin Yard were one of these bands, the real friends of the anarchist and "do-mal" direction should be well known. Thus, the band member Matt Cameron on Soundgarden and Pearl Jam touched the drums. And Jack Endino is always a legend. Last but not least Bill Gates has even hired him for a sound. But back to music!
is here played the bass still deeply connected and there is really no mercy. It is not a Metallica (sorry no links) or Propain ( Sorry no links) bass, but somehow the attacks at the same time we hear the typical grunge voice. So a true rock and roll cauldron, as the ingredients Hardcore, metal and rock features. Nice but still a devilish brew. The second volume
LoveSlug , a Dutch product, is a fine mishmash of many influences. So there is a pinch of hardcore like Biohazard coupled with the blessed unrest of bands like Fugazi . Unfortunately, this band without any attention in the Dutch polders set.
videos or other sites I mentioned as I do not found!
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